注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

professor points to computer screen while helping student

Web系统与设计 Major

Complete a degree in web systems and 设计

作为SBU网络系统与设计专业的学生,你将具备成为一名软件工程师的条件 能够设计、构建、实施和管理网络和移动软件系统; especially as they relate to software engineering, visual content, business value 和安全. Many students choose to combine this degree with a minor in graphic 设计.

你会把你的学习付诸行动,动手,现实世界的项目创建 软件解决方案的公司和组织,如银元城,BNSF 铁路,欧扎克粮食丰收,斯普林菲尔德和玻利瓦尔商会.

SBU被认为是该地区软件工程师的主要生产者之一,也是其中之一 全国只有六家福音派基督教机构获得了ABET认证. 在SBU学习网络系统和设计将为您提供跨学科的学习 教育,推动你的创造力到一个成功的职业生涯在各种软件 engineering capabilities.

The Web系统与设计 degree is offered through SBU's College of Professional 项目


(SBU CIS毕业生在毕业后六个月内实现了100%的就业安置 在过去的六年里.)

Students working on computers in classroom


  • SBU CIS毕业生在毕业后6个月内就业率达到100% 在过去的六年里.
  • SBU is home to a dedicated cybersecurity lab.
  • All division faculty have or are pursuing a Ph.D.; together they have more than 100 combined years of teaching and industry experience.
  • 技术领袖和SBU CIS校友帮助塑造该计划的未来方向 by serving on the CIS Advisory Board.
  • 研究生s from the SBU CIS programs typically earn starting salaries ranging from $50,000-$75,000.


SBU的网络系统和设计程序致力于有意的整合 Christian faith and academic 纪律. For example, each year at least one senior project is chosen that has an intentional spiritual focus. In the past, these senior 项目使一些公司和组织受益,比如全球媒体推广, New Tribes Mission and IMB missionaries in Thailand.

诗篇15 - SBU's College of Professional 项目 and the Robert W. 石膏 College of Business 有《宝博体育》第15篇的倡议,它提供了信仰和学术的有意整合 纪律. Using 诗篇15 as a basis, the Colleges have identified eight character traits that should be the hallmark of the students and graduates. 这些字符 traits are emphasized in coursework and in a special lecture series. 高亮显示的 性格特征是:正直、服务、尊重、慈善、忠诚、诚实、 Humility and Perseverance.

Ethics and Professional Development — As part of an intentionally Christian education, students in the Robert W. 石膏 商学院选修了道德与职业发展的高级课程. 本课程教导基督徒的个人和职业道德,并装备学生 生活技能,如职业发展,礼仪和仆人式领导 培养有道德的商业领袖的目标是成为社会的仆人式领袖 工作场所.



  • Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
  • International Mission Board
  • 利盟系统
  • O'Reilly Automotive Corpo率 Headquarters


“我所有的教授都知道我的名字,他们不仅知道我的名字,而且他们 knew what my aspirations were for life after college. Faculty took it upon themselves 让我知道实习机会,鼓励我申请具体的工作 and even help me secure interviews."
亚历克斯Barcus 15岁
Software Developer at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City


Competitive Programming Teams

SBU是密苏里州最具竞争力的编程团队之一,拥有超过 20 top-10 national awards in the last five years. Additionally, SBU is the 2017 CCSC Mid-South Regional Champion Competitive Programming Team! Use what you're learning 在课堂上参加各种区域性和全国性的比赛贯穿始终 今年.

Collegiate Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

SBU’s FBLA team competes nationally in various categories. The team has produced five national champions and 15 top-10 finishes at FBLA nationals in the past 10 years.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

加入SBU的计算机协会分会,这是世界上最大的科学组织 and educational computing society.


专业课程学院内的精选课程由美国联邦认证委员会认证 认证 Council of Business Schools and 项目 (ACBSP). 计算机科学 和网络安全项目由ABET的计算机认证委员会认证.

SBU的计算机科学课程是福音派学校唯一获得abet认证的课程 在玻利瓦尔500英里半径内的基督教学院,是仅有的六所福音派大学之一 Christian institutions nationwide to receive this accreditation. 单位的网络安全 该课程是美国福音派基督教学院唯一获得abet认证的课程 玻利瓦尔方圆800英里,是仅有的两个福音派基督教机构之一 nationwide to receive this accreditation. SBU's Division of Computing & 数学 is the only department at any evangelical Christian institution in the U.S. 房子 programs accredited by both ABET and ACBSP.

Competitive Programming

SBU是密苏里州最具竞争力的编程团队之一,拥有超过 20 top-10 national awards in the past five years.

  • CCSC Central Plains Regional Champion seven times in past 十年
  • AITP全国高校会议13次全国前三名或以上 十年
  • 国际学院美国中部地区前20名的队伍 Programming Contest each year since 2005


SBU CIS学生受益于CIS研究实验室,一个Windows 7 100基础TX以太网 网络化实验室拥有三个并行处理平台,包括数百个 英伟达系统. Lab is primarily used for senior 项目, work study and research 项目.


You will have the opportunity to apply for several privately-funded scholarships. Select incoming freshmen receive a CIS award for their first year.


专业课程学院坐落在吉恩·泰勒国家自由企业 Center. The 泰勒中心 was expanded and renovated to provide the following benefits 对于我们的学生:

  • 增加了可以保留的专用学习区域和演示室的数量 提前
  • 某些专业的钥匙卡访问增加了建筑物的安全性,同时允许你 下班后使用空间和设备,有效地学习和完成小组项目
  • Student lounge and open spaces to study, relax and hang out

Program Objectives and Outcomes


研究生s of the web systems and 设计 program will have an ability to:

  • 分析一个复杂的计算程序,并应用计算和其他相关的原理 纪律s to identify solutions
  • 设计、实现和评估一个基于计算的解决方案,以满足一组给定的 computing requirements in the context of the program's 纪律
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts
  • 认识到专业责任,并在计算实践中做出明智的判断 based on legal and ethical principles
  • 作为团队成员或领导者,在适当的活动中有效地发挥作用 to the program's 纪律
  • 执行技术、美学和概念决策的基础上的理解 artistic, interface, interaction and 设计 principles


在毕业后的几年内,毕业于网络系统和设计专业 at Southwest Baptist University will be able to:

  • 与同事、客户、主管和其他专业人士进行有效的沟通 work constituents using both written and oral communication
  • 在面对社会、道德和法律问题时,懂得如何做出理性的决定 issues inherent to the computing field
  • 运用计算学科的理论框架进行分析、设计 and implementation of problem solutions and systems
  • 从基督教的角度来运用计算机技术 servant leaders within their chosen careers
  • 追求持续的专业发展、高级学位、研究和技术 certifications where appropriate

Enrollment and Graduation Data for Web系统与设计 Degree

  2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Number of students enrolled 9 15 15 18 14
Number of students graduated 3 3 3 4